Bare Bones...



We manufacture and sell lock picking products for the enthusiast and lock sport community.

All our picks are made from 301 High Yield Stainless Steel and are full tang through the handle.

All our ‘plastic’ products are made from DLP resin and covered in a protective coating to ensure long usability

Feel free to have a look around and we welcome any questions or inquiries through our email


New to Locksport? Can’t decide on which kit or thickness ? here is most common questions asked in Beginner Questions section

Looking for something in particular?



Free Bare Bones ‘Propeller’ Ergonomic scale handle for you to 3D print at home! These handles can be attached to any of our bare metal picks.

Will also be available in the ‘Download’ section of your account


We are extremely proud to announce the release of our ‘Three Bones’ deep hooks.

These three deep hooks have been created from a collaboration between Bare Bones Lock Picking and the extremely talented The Butchers bLock

Hook 1 – aka ‘Collar Bone’ is the shallowest of the ‘Three Bones’ deep hooks. Its profile is merged from a extended reach medium hook with one of The Butchers bLock custom designs.

Hook 2 – aka ‘Back Bone’ has the medium steepness of the ‘Three Bones’ however has the thickest shank profile that finishes to a small gem tip. Its profile is merged from a steeper version of the ‘Collar Bone’ with another one The Butchers bLock custom pick designs.

Hook 3 – aka ‘Jaw Bone’ is the steepest of the ‘Three Bones’. It also has the narrowest tip which finishes to the sharpest gem tip. Its profile is merged from a even steeper version of the ‘Collar Bone’ with another one The Butchers bLock custom pick designs.


NEVER pick a lock that you don’t own or do not have permission to pick!

NEVER pick lock a that you rely on or that is in use!

Bare Bones is a proud patron of

The Lock Sportscast

Your weekly source for locksport news and sometimes interviews. Locksport is the sport or recreation of legal lock picking and other methods of defeating locking systems.

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