Bare Bones...


Gem Bone Hooks – .023″



These five hooks are the result from collaboration between Bare Bones Lock Picking and the Australasian Pickers Discord

To provide more specific targeting of the keyway, the Gem Bone hooks are separated into two set sets.

(Set 1  – 2 picks) The ’Opal’ and ‘Sapphire’ have a narrow shank specifically designed to target cores that have tight or restricted keyways – stem approximately 2.1mm-2.3mm

(Set 2 – 3 picks) The ‘Emerald’ and ‘Jade’ share a similar profile’s to ’Opal’ and ‘Sapphire’ respectively however have a wider shank of approximately 2.8mm. The ‘Diamond’ profile mimics the ‘Opal’ and ‘Sapphire’ curved hook tip however doesn’t share the same recess cutout. It also has a wider shank of approximately 2.8mm.

Gem Bone profiles are available in.023 thickness only and can be purchased as a set or individually

Optional translucent green handle to identify from other products (legacy carry forward from Keyless Master Loto 140 logo – Australia ‘Green and Gold’ etc)

Further details available in PDF brief –



Additional information

Weight 100 g
Dimensions 12 × 5 × 2 cm
DLP Resin Handle

Add DLP Resin Handle, NO DLP Resin Handle

Which Set?

Set 1 – 2 Picks – Opal and Sapphire, Set 2 – 3 Picks – Emerald Jade and Diamond, Both Sets 1 and 2 – 5 Picks


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